Register Interest

Pitching Hour

Put your brand at the forefront of the smart packaging industry!

Speakers will have five minutes to pitch their company, introduce their technology or product, and explain their needs before taking questions from the audience. Following the Pitching Hour, the networking reception will begin in the main exhibit hall where you will have a space to display your technology/product to the delegates and further engage with your audience in real time.


To Qualify:

  • Submit for approval from the conference producer
  • Presenter from a startup company, academics, new technology, etc.

What You Receive:

  • Complimentary event pass
  • Five minutes on stage to present to entire SmartPack audience
  • Space at the networking reception
  • Discount code for additional registrations 

Further information on pricing to participate in the Pitching Hour will be provided after submission by Chelsea Kertes, Conference Producer. If you have any question in the meantime, please reach out to Chelsea directly at

Submit Your Pitch